You can be Whole. Happy. Free.
It is easy to say. Not easy to be. Especially tough following trauma. Try our approach and tool and you will see there is a way.
Spirit Level for the Soul™
Spirit Level for the Soul consists of a Daily Reader and Daily Journal. This tool is built on the C.A.B. Mindset™, our unique approach that leads you in the daily practice of being Centered, Aligned, and Balanced.
All-in-One: Daily Reader, Daily Journal, and Workbook
The Daily Reader provides purposeful content for you to return to throughout the day to pave a new mental pathway. The Daily Journal provides direction and purpose to reinforce the C.A.B. Mindset and your new pathway. The workbook allows you to create a personalized daily reader.
Together they leverage over 20 years of experience, the wisdom of the Stoics and scholars, virtues of character, and sound instructional design to guide you in reaching and staying on the other side of trauma.
"As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives."
Wilferd Arlan Peterson
The C.A.B. Mindset™
The C.A.B. Mindset is the belief that wholeness, happiness, and freedom arises from the daily practice of being Centered, Aligned, and Balanced (C.A.B.) in what we think, say, and do.
The C.A.B. Mindset helps you:
Reset internal dialogues that entangle and tramp you.
Reshape perspectives that hinder and hurt you.
Become a guardian and guide of your thoughts, words, and actions.
Gain the strength you need to reclaim yourself and your life.